MotionWise Safety Middleware
Simplify your software-defined vehicle journey and focus on the driving experience
MotionWise ensures a safe and deterministic execution environment for mixed-criticality software applications. Optimize your costs with a fully automated integration process and efficient hardware resource utilization.
Key Features

Global Scheduling
Our algorithms are designed to solve NP problems, effortlessly generating task and network scheduling solutions while eliminating the need for manual OS configuration iterations. Specify scheduling properties such as deadlines, jitter, and resource needs once, and our system seamlessly integrates them into future software releases, saving your time and effort.

Time Synchronization
Our time-triggered execution provides strong time isolation between tasks, enabling mixed-criticality on the same CPU cores. The execution follows a global time base, enabling scalable execution from a single CPU core to multi-SoC architectures. In combination with Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN), we achieve deterministic properties spanning from application to communication.

Our communication stack offers deterministic signal-based and service-oriented communication with standardized APIs (RTE, ara::com, and DDS). It includes highly efficient transport layers, such as Ethernet (TSN).

Safety Monitoring and Management
Our health management stack offers global supervision and error handling mechanisms to monitor the system, including fail-operational systems.

System State Management
Orchestrates the lifecycle of ECUs, SoCs and hosts within a driving cycle. Ensures state consistency across the entire distributed system for safe execution and communication.

Automated Integration powered by MotionWise Creator
Our comprehensive tool suite supports every step of the safety-relevant process, including design, planning, build, and validation.
We enhance speed, robustness, safety and security in software system development and integration.

Tool Suite
Comprehensive tool suite supporting all safety-relevant design, planning, implementation, validation and certification steps in a rapid, iterative and incremental manner.
- Design automation tooling easing the system design with safety properties
- Workload planning capabilities enabling early iterative and incremental integration
- Virtualization and re-simulation capabilities for early feedback and faster validation

Learn more
If you have any questions about our MotionWise Safety Middleware, don't hesitate to reach out to us.